A digest of reading book 'iOS Programming - Big Nerd Ranch' #What Is a Framework? A framework is a type of bundle—a directory hierarchy with a specified layout that groups shared dynamic libraries, header files, and resources (images, sounds, nib files) in a single place. #Core Foundation Core Foundation is a low-level C language framework that (partially) parallels the Objective-C Foundation framework. It defines data types and provides services that are used by many of the other C language frameworks #Toll-Free Bridging Some Foundation classes have a memory layout that is almost identical to the memory layout of the corresponding Core Foundation class. For these classes, a pointer to the Foundation object can be used as a reference to the corresponding Core Foundation object and vice versa. All you need is the appropriate cast. Apple calls this feature toll-free bridging. e.g. // Create an NSString NSString *nsString = @"Toll-Free"; // Cast nsS...
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