Dynamic Code Evolution VM http://ssw.jku.at/dcevm/binaries/ source: http://javainformed.blogspot.ca/2014/01/jrebel-free-alternative.html DCEVM - A JRebel free alternative Those of you who work with web application development on a daily basis know very well that reloading is annoying. With Tomcat and Eclipse for example, when you make just a small change in your Java class, it still takes at least a few seconds for the change to be reflected because the whole web app will need to be reloaded. This is because class hot-swapping in the JVM is severely limited. Only method body changes can be hot-replaced. All other changes (method signature, class members, etc) will require reloading the whole application. If you work for a company that buys you a commercial hot-swap solution, like JRebel, you're lucky because usually they work out of the box and offer more functionalities. But if not, don't worry, there are free alternatives out there ( DCEVM , FakeReplace , Spr...
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