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My probe about Test Driven Development

Coding could be easy, but coding correctly is very hard. The problem I faced recently is:
 every task assigned to me have to pass the most strict tests from QA. It becomes more and more important to adapt the method of test driven development. I don't have too much experience of using this method. If I made some mistake in my blog, let me know. Your suggestion will be mostly appreciated.
Usually,  I will be assigned tasks by Jira(actually, by project manager if it's a one from him ; by QA if it's a defect or by someone else if they think some of the tasks assigned to them should be mine).
Let's take a example and go.
Make a jasper report called 'Demand Reset Notifications Report' and invoke it in jsp page.

Actually, this is just a very high level definition, have to take
step 1: define the requirements
Go to the requirement provider's office and get the answers from him/her. Now, I know the detailed requirement as below,

priority: 10
  • REPORT: {device identifiers, reset count, reset timestamp, reset type} of the demand reset notifications of selected device(s) within a selected time period order by {device identifier, reset timestamp}
  • SOURCE: TABLE abc, TABLE efg
  • SCOPE: xxxx

    Is that all? No, actually, even the provider,  they don't know the requirement well. Actually, there are two more related source of tables : Catagory and Location.

    Step 2: Test Cases
    Test Id: ITN-XXX-01 
    Test location: xxx
    Preconditions: click ' device search', select 'poly' -> enter 'xxx' in text box 'by xxx' and click 'go'
    then, click Menu item 'xxx' under Menu 'xxx' .
    Test steps:
    step 1:
    input: Select 'Any' in  Type , enter '2010/11/01' as start date , '2011/01/01' as end date,click 'go'
    expected: 1.The report display All matchedData from '2010/11/01' to '2011/01/01'
    defect ITN number:

    step 2: ...

    It  works well for me


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