When install the mysql, it came out below
1. Prepare configuration (pass)
2. Write configuratin file (pass)
3. Start service (pass)
4. Apply security setting failed with follwoing error
Error Nr. 1045
Access denied for user root@localhost (using password:NO)
Here are the steps that worked for me:
NOTE: I did not have to open TCP port 3306 at firewall.
1. When service startup fails at MySQL Instance Config Wizard, cancel the wizard, go to
Services windows and make sure the MySQL Server is stopped.
2. Execute again MySQL Instance Config Wizard (The service should start now)
3. If step 4 fails (Apply Security Settings), cancel the wizard
4. Create a TXT file (i.e. C:\mysqlpassword.txt) with the following lines
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('mypassword') WHERE User='root';
5. Open a Command prompt (former DOS console) and execute:
(run as administrator ** very important)
mysqld --defaults-file="C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\my.ini" --init-file="C:\Users\sxu\Documents\mysqlpassword.txt" --standalone --console
6. Open a different console and execute: "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server
5.1\bin\mysqladmin" -u root -p shutdown (enter the password specified in file
mysqlpassword.txt, of course)
3. Execute again MySQL Instance Config Wizard (The security setting should be applied)
In addition, I also met the fetching issue when I tried to use the db in 5.09.
Run : mysql_upgrade -u root -p , and fix this issue.
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