I got a task to investigate the IE 9 issue if we upgrade the system to from IE8. It's kinds of frustrated during the period. In the end, I am pretty happy I finished it.
IE 8 user the Quirks mode which means not standard with the http://www.w3.org/standards/agents/browsers
IE 9 by default still using quirks mode, however, IE10 will use standard mode by default. So, it's good we test IE 9 in standard mode now to avoid the future issue with IE10.
Blog the knowledge for the reference of future project.
IE 8 vs IE 9(standard mode)
#1 createElement method
IE 8 : will support the format like : .createElement("<span id='xx'>abc</span>");
IE 9 : you can only do with steps.
createElement("span"); .setAttribute("id","xx");
#2 getElementById method
#3 document.all.framename.src
<iframe style="display: none; width: 100%;" scrolling="no" name="framename" id="framename"/>
IE 8: value will be the related path /../foldername
ie 9: will be the all url, e.g.
IE 8 user the Quirks mode which means not standard with the http://www.w3.org/standards/agents/browsers
IE 9 by default still using quirks mode, however, IE10 will use standard mode by default. So, it's good we test IE 9 in standard mode now to avoid the future issue with IE10.
Blog the knowledge for the reference of future project.
IE 8 vs IE 9(standard mode)
#1 createElement method
IE 8 : will support the format like : .createElement("<span id='xx'>abc</span>");
IE 9 : you can only do with steps.
createElement("span"); .setAttribute("id","xx");
#2 getElementById method
<div name=”nameOfDiv”>
In standards mode (IE9) the
below code will not work anymore.
--- This will return null in IE9
Too fix this, need to explicit
define the id value.
<div name=”nameOfDiv”
#3 document.all.framename.src
<iframe style="display: none; width: 100%;" scrolling="no" name="framename" id="framename"/>
IE 8: value will be the related path /../foldername
ie 9: will be the all url, e.g.
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