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GIT Knowledge

#1 Git author Unknown
Sets the name of the user for all git instances on the system
$ git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
$ git config --global ""
name = Bob Gilmore
email =
3.3  get remote server  branch info
3.4  switch to branch
#4  Git  fetch
-- cache the info entered
#6 Git check out
#7 Git pull
 you have to tell git where to pull from, in this case from the current directory/repository:
git pull . master
 but when working locally, you usually just call merge (pull internally calls merge):
git merge master

#8 git git-credentials
#9 git merge

Or even better than running git config, you can edit your ~/.gitconfig file directly. Look and see if there's a section for [user] with the relevant information. For example, my ~/.gitconfig has this...
(There's no space in front of the [user], and single tabs in front of the name and email labels)
If it doesn't have those set properly, just go ahead and edit the .gitconfig file by hand.
#2  Git log
git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit
#3 Git branch
3.1 create branch
git branch branchname 
3.2 push to remote branch in the  server side
git push -u origin my_branch

git branch -r

git checkout branchname

 -- peek the change from the remote server
#5 git config
git config --global credential.username=EMAIL

git config --global credential.helper cache
git config --global credential.helper "cache --timeout=3600"
git config credential.helper store
vi !/.gitconfig

git checkout master
if you checkout a file, that file will be reverted and ready for editing

git pull
pull from local branch:
but when working locally, you usually just call merge (pull internally calls merge):

 git merge --abort

How can you see what you are about to push with git?

For a list of files to be pushed, run:
git diff --stat [remote/branch]
git diff --stat origin/master
For the code diff of the files to be pushed, run:
git diff [remote repo/branch]
To see full file paths of the files that will change, run:
git diff --numstat [remote repo/branch]


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