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Showing posts from January, 2014

Eclipse Open Implementation

Finally a much needed feature has been implemented in Eclipse 3.5 Control + Click on any method in an interface or class it shows two options - Open Declaration / Open Implementation. If more than one implemenation exists for a method then it shows Open Hierarchy.

Android's Home Screens

Physical layout of an Android Device Android devices use  touch screens . Most have no physical keyboard, but you can also find a number of models with a slide-out keyboard or an attachable keyboard dock for tablets. Around your device you'll find the ususal physical buttons for power on/off, volume on/off, audio connector, micro-USB (for charging, connecting to a PC and in some devices connecting to HDMI using an adapter). You'll typically have both back- and front-facing cameras. Home Screen Layout and Operations You just have to press the screen gently, no need to push hard, when you operate the device. After you've unlocked the device as described in the previous chapter then you'll be presented with the  home screen . In Android you have actually 3-7 home screens, depending on your Android device model. You move between them by sweeping the screen to the right or to the left. The one in the middle is often THE Home screen. Remember, Android is highly custo...